Here’s a list of our most frequently asked questions.
If you have any other questions, please contact us.

Our current dues are $225 per quarter. All new members must pay a $50 joining fee. Dues for the first quarter of membership will be pro-rated based on join date. Membership includes one lunch per week.

Members must maintain 75% attendance to remain within good standing. Each member will be allowed up to two excused absences per quarter. Excused absenses must be communicated with the Executive Secretary within 24 hours of the meeting time.

No. Salem Executives Association is exclusive by nature and only allows one representative from each business category to join the organization.

Yes, we hold a silent auction in January of each year and a golf tournament in July. These events are social by nature and we encourage members to bring guests. Please watch our Calendar to see when upcoming meetings and special events will occur.

Meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of each month, except on legal holidays. Our board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 AM. Please view our Calendar for the official schedule.

Yes, we encourage each business to have an alternate member that is willing and ready to attend lunch should the primary member not be available.

The member by-laws can be reviewed in the following downloadable PDF document.


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